Kilkenny Square, Ireland – 3/19/2011
Title: Dear Friends!
I sent 70 text messages on Friday and also put it on Face Book, and announced it at Story -telling Night on Saturday night.
About 25 of us gathered in Kilkenny’s main Square, The Parade, at 5pm this Sunday to hold our Well Being Ceremony for Japan..
8 Japanese people also came, amongst them many living locally, many of them are working in Camphill Rudolf Steiner School, which is well-known local chain of communities, living from donations and volunteer based, taking care of people in special needs. Some only arrived to live and work there only 2 weeks ago, some are working and living there 8-20 years ago. The rest of the participants were mixed nationality and age, Irish, Israeli, Korean, French, English and Congolese, all living in Kilkenny, Ireland.Some local people came and amongst them 2 women like to organize a coffee morning, where we could all chat and an other man would like to bake cakes to sell as charity and send the money to Japan.
At the beginin of e ceremony I sensed, it is important to say, if someone would rather do their own prayer, according to their religion or would rather not follow our ceremony, jut be with us, to feel free to do so.
Couple of the participants said, they felt how grateful they are for having gathered and done this ceremony. There were two girls from Tokyo, who looked really worried, (not surprisingly), but were smiling at the end. At the beginning one could cut the air from the tension, it was so quiet.
The atmosphere has “melted” by the end of the ceremony, people just didn’t want to move or leave. People I asked said it was good experience to do it. Many were talking, enquiring about the situation in Japan, shared their worries and hopes.
We will repeat the ceremony next Sunday, same time, and same place, because requested by the participants.
Big hug from This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.