Dear friends, we invite you to the European Encounter of Silo’s Message that is hold every year in one of the European Parks of Study and Reflection. It is an encounter for the exchange of experiences and expressions coming from the deepest and the most sacred in our interior and from Silo’s Message as an ensemble, as a community.
We are very pleased of having the opportunity to hold this 2016 European Encounter in Parks of Study and Reflection Toledo. We are also pleased of welcoming all of you with a big hug and with the joy of having this chance for sharing our deepest aspirations and the exchanges related to Silo’s Message and its dissemination.The Encounter will start on Friday the 20th of May with an Asking at Puerta del Sol, in Madrid. If you want you can bring your banner or your little flags with quotations from Silo’s Message, musical instruments and so on. Those friends who want to help in the organization of the Asking, please contact Aurora Marquina (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.).
You will find all the information concerning the Encounter on the web site
Dear Friends, we are happy to invite you to the European Encounter of Silo’s Message that will be held in Parks of Study and Reflection, Toledo.
It will start on Friday the 20th of May with an Asking in Puerta del Sol, Madrid, and it will continue on Saturday the 21st and Sunday the 22nd in Park Toledo.
We need you to register in the following link in order to better organise the Encounter:
The registration form will be open from today the 19th of April up to the 10th of May.We remind you that it must be an individual registration. Although you might have done the advance registration, we need you to please subscribe again.
You will find all the information concerning the Encounter in the following website friends, we welcome you with open arms to share our deepest aspirations and the exchanges about Silo’s Message and its dissemination!
European Meeting of Silo’s Message