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Hello friends,

With great joy we share some images of the screening of the documentary” Silo. A spiritual path “that we made last April 11 at the Cines Norte de Vigo.

Within the frame of the 50th Anniversary, we rescued the spiritual dimension of celebration, gratitude and joy, which has accompanied us permanently and in copresence in our requests and in our daily activities.

The teamwork previously done was a success, light, without friction and full of learning.

To do this, we disseminated through 600 posters, 240 leaflets, dissemination on social networks, the cinema website and two local media.

The movie theater, with capacity for 75 people, was filled. In a light, happy and celebratory climate, there were people who participated in the different Communities, friends, family and people who came for the first time.

For many the act had a double record, on the one hand it was reconciler with the past and on the other with an open future. No doubt a valid action record was expressed that accompanied us before, during and after the event.

We took advantage of the meeting to thank and invite all those who would like to continue deepening and find us in Silo’s Message Room.

A warm hug,


This web includes information from Communities of Silo's Message in North America, Europe, Africa and Asia. Please refer to www.elmensajedesilo.net for information about Communities of Silo's Message in Latin America.