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Gabi Noack
Community “The Inner Look”
Köln, Germany
4th of march 2018
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(translation: Almut Scheben)


Experiences  concerning Contradiction and Unity by implementing the Asking
The first impulse to this work was the “Gift”, which Silo gave in his speech in the year 2005, on the occasion of the inauguration of the park of study and reflection in La Reja, Argentina.

In this text it is said:

“Today we are holding this celebration, and since in some celebrations people exchange presents, I would like to give you a gift. Then, certainly, it will be up to you to decide whether it merits your acceptance. It consists, in fact, of the easiest and most practical recommendation I am able to offer. It is almost a like a recipe from a cookbook, but I trust you will be able to go beyond simply what is indicated by the words…

In some moment of the day or night inhale a breath of air, and imagine that you carry this air to your heart. Then, ask with strength for yourself and for your loved ones. Ask with strength to move away from all that brings you contradiction; ask for your life to have unity. Don’t take a lot of time with this brief prayer, this brief asking, because it is enough that you interrupt for one brief moment what is happening in your life for this contact with your interior to give clarity to your feelings and your ideas.

To move away from contradiction is the same as to overcome hatred, resentment, and the desire for revenge. To move away from contradiction is to cultivate the desire to reconcile with others and with oneself. To move away from contradiction is to forgive and to make amends twice-over for every wrong that you have inflicted on others…”


This web includes information from Communities of Silo's Message in North America, Europe, Africa and Asia. Please refer to www.elmensajedesilo.net for information about Communities of Silo's Message in Latin America.